Jul 222011

Thanks for stopping at the website! This page is just to post greetings and well wishes!

 Posted by at 5:06 pm

  21 Responses to “Well Wishes!”

  1. I am so proud of you! We all are!
    Love Dad!

  2. GORGEOUS!!! Best of luck, Kelsey!

  3. Very beautiful! Wishing you the best of luck.

  4. Wonderful picture–good luck–we are all so proud of you!

  5. keep up the good work, I am so proud of you. You can and will really make a difference of the lives of people who are truly inspired by you. I love you!

  6. I’m late for “well wishes”, but I prayed for you specifically for Miss Weio will be handed down to you my neice!!! ….this was the very best thing I could do for you!!! Now you are granted with the title “Miss Weio”….Congratulations to you and your proud parents, John & Sheila and brother Alfred!!! love you!! <3

  7. A very big congratulations, Miss Kelsey!! We’re all happy with you, and so very proud, nutan atam!!!

  8. Congratulations Kelsey, all of Bethel is so proud of you, it is all over facebook! Congratulations again, and thanks for “serving” us so well with your beauty and sparkling personality.

  9. Congrats! (I’m your dad’s cousin, that makes you my second cousin) You make our family proud!

  10. What a great and wonderful accomplishment for you! Congratulations!! and I know that your mom and dad must be glowing 🙂

  11. Great job at WEIO, Kelsey! We are all so proud of you and excited for you. Keep up the good work. You are a wonderful role model. We knew you could do it!

  12. Congratulations Kelsey! And to the whole family. ~beautiful pictures~!

  13. Ciuk, Askiayapiallruuten! Ayuqnianaqpiarluten. Tayima ikik cali Miss Indian World-ami anageskiki!

  14. (sp) Askayapiallruuten…

  15. Best of luck Kelsey at Miss Indian World in Albuquerque 🙂

  16. You are now officially one of my favorites and I will be checking everyday to see what your experiences are. Enjoy the adventure of a lifetime!

  17. ~* our Kuskokwim Beauty “Kelsey”…your radiant sMiLe goes along way nd knowing u will be particapating there in the biggest event of all times brings us all such JoY tht u will be representing our Region! Best of Luck with each catagory..not only do u have Beauty Kelsey but the strong Faith,Knowledge,& the Yupik culture will bring u top honors am sure..WE al love u nd will be cheering you on!!! your parents should be very proud about now..WOW what accomplishments way to GO Kelsey! HuGs to u all<3*~

  18. Cuigun, you had the best teacher right in front of you to explain how resourceful the Yup’ik eskimo’s were. I was just amazed at the stories hind behind the clothing. At RHS and HUMS classes I was facinated by the Ladies Mask, very simlple, yet presents empowerment. Thanks for sharing your pagent pictures, stories, and most importantly you are us-the Yup’ik!

  19. Good luck at Miss Indian World! Thanks for sharing so many beautiful pictures. We’re so proud of you!!!

  20. Beautiful photographs and awesome talent from the Wallace family converging on Albuquerque’s Miss Indian World and Gathering of Nations Pow-Wow! Love the photographs and happy to see my sister Becky, cousin Angela and Aunt Linda in some of the photos! Way to Go Kelsey! THe whole Y-K Delta is watching and wishing you the best! Way to represent! My favorite pageant of all time! And not to forget congratulations to Marj Tahbone on her reign!

  21. Best of luck Miss WEIO!!

    You make us proud 🙂
    It’s been great following your accomplishments and looking forward to the many more successes in your bright future.
    Quyana for sharing.

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