Chuna McIntyre is a world renowned artist originally from Eek, Alaska. His work, his knowledge, and his talent are so awe inspiring! He offered his work for Kelsey to wear for the Gathering of Nations and Miss Indian World. We offered to bring him to Albuquerque and he accepted and arrived as we did. On Sunday, Kelsey and Sheila and Chuna went over all of the regalia that he brought for the event. It is so unbelievably beautiful! Before he left back to Oakland, CA., where he now lives, we sat down one last time so that I could get some photos of his work with him. It was like being with a human encyclopedia! Watch the photos and hear him describe all of the work. The drum was sitting nearby and just before we left to have breakfast, he regaled us with the last song his Grandmother taught him. It was a special moment to have him here and share with us!
Chuna Singing – [audio:|titles=song]
Chuna and his work – [audio:|titles=parka]
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